March 30, 2009

Hanging it up

Did I mention that I've been hooked on plastic bags and paper clips combination? I have been obsessed. This is a hanging sculptural piece using at least a hundred plastic bags and thousands of paper clips. 

It has taken a life of its own.  It almost looks like its doing the can can.

I had to stop working on it when my hand refused to response anymore. I may be done with it. 

March 26, 2009

There's a fortune in this basket.

I love fortune cookies for the fortunes.  I made this basket to hold all my fortunes.  The colors were inspired by the boxes. 

March 17, 2009

More Plastic Bag Art

Another project I've been working on is weaving plastic bags on a cardboard loom.  This started because I was researching projects for my daughter's class.  She's in fourth grade which means there's been a focus on Native American this year.

We created baskets with pine needles and raffia and I thought that we should also weave with a rug on a loom, cardboard looms are the least expensive way to go.  I try to do the projects before I teach so that I could work out the process before I get in front of 24 kids.  

I wanted to inject some color to the project by adding what I have laying around.  Remember I picked up several boxes of paper clips.  I have to admit that I went back to the dollar store and cleaned them up on the paper clips.  I need restocking right now.

March 16, 2009

Low Cost Art

I have a confession.  I love going to the dollar store.  Occasionally I have this itch to spend some money but since the economy is in this state.  I don't have oodles of cash for shopping. Besides, I don't really need anything, I just want to spend a little.  

During my last visit at my local dollar store I spotted boxes of colorful paper clips.  Can you imagine 300 really cool paper clips for one buck.  I couldn't resist.  I picked up several boxes.  I have two kids and we're always looking for paper clips. Plus I was sure I wanted to do an art piece with them.   The colors were great.  

This is one way I used the paper clips.   I'm weaving it into my plastic bag baskets.  

I love the dollar store.  I'll be posting more pics of all the other uses I have for this very common item.

What to do with plastic bags

I had the flu recently and I'm not one to lay in bed or sit around doing absolutely nothing.  I have to keep busy.  So while I was nursing the flu in bed, I started thinking about a project that I wanted to do for the recycling show at the Escondido Municipal Gallery.  

I decided it was something I could try to do while I recuperated in bed.  I started weaving a basket using grocery plastic bags.  Okay, I'm guilty of occasionally forgetting my reusable bags.  I needed to redeem myself by using these plastic bags in art.   

The basket was a bit wavy looking but don't forget I was sick.  I'm still working on this.

APW Gallery Exhibition

I'm currently in a group exhibition in New York at the APW Gallery.  The show consist of over 200 artist each contributing up to five 12" x 12" paintings.  I was in a funk when I received the Call to Artist, and I thought a deadline would be good for me.  Unfortunately, the deadline was so far in advance that I almost forgot about it.  Which meant that when I got my email alert I had to scramble.  Somehow I managed and was able to send all five pieces on time by using 2nd day air, a very expensive way to go.  That's what I get for procrastinating.  Above is one of the paintings in the show.

March 14, 2009

Panache 2009 - Art Auction

The Escondido Arts Partnership will be hosting their annual fundraising event. I donated this painting for the art auction.   For more details go to

March 12, 2009

Exploring recycling inspired art

I'm a great believer in saving the environment. The job seems gigantic at times and we just have to plug along and do what what we can.  

My daughter attends a wonderful charter school, Explorer Elementary, where the community of parents, students and faculty have worked together to help with this endeavor.  Her class and I have been busy working on an art project for the annual fundraising auction with this objective in mind.

The description for our project: 
The earth is a treasure box of wonderful materials that should not be wasted.  This conceptual art piece focuses on being earth friendly.  The class construction a sculpture- a giant beaded jewel bracelet with its own storage box made from surplus wood, boxes, bottlecaps, recycled paper (that we hand painted), and even a hubcap a student found.

The event is on March 28 and I hope the auction goes well and we raise a lot of money.